Template:Cargo List to Adelaide in 1878

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Importer Goods
D and J Fowler 323 packages
Good, Toms and Co 175 packages drapery
S Mayfield and Sons 6 cases
J J Green 2 trunks, 1 case, 1 bale
George Phillips and Co 4 cases chaffcutters, 64 kegs nails, 2 cases tinware, 4 casks white zinc,

4 cases Bradford's mangles, 1 case solder, 1 cask handsaws, 6 cases Routledge and Son's publications,

5 cases Collins and Son's envelopes, 1 case Delarne's playing cards, 2 cases new books,

including "Boys' Standard" div. 1,2,3,4 and 10, Russell "On the Heart" and Wyld's "Heart and Lung Disease"

Berena Brothers 1 case walking sticks, 1 case Evan's dial clocks, 1 case scissors, 1 case papiermache goods, 1 case saddlery.
Pearce, Wincey and Co 50 tons coal, 142 bundles sheet and hoop iron, 9 packages shafts, picks and galvanised nails.
S Smith, North Adelaide 8 casks and 2 cases drugs.
W and T Rhodes 13 casks assorted glassware, 14 kegs bolts and nuts, 18 kegs nails, 11 cases and 5 casks assorted hardware.

