Template:Trove Advertiser 1865-01-20 Topics of the Day

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From the South Australian Advertiser Friday 20 January 1865[1]:


The "City of Adelaide" will this day carry from our shores several well-known and respected colonists, for whom we wish prosperous breezes, a pleasant voyage, and a safe and happy arrival " home." Amongst the passengers are the Rev. S. D. Green, Mrs. Green, and children; the late Mayor of Adelaide - Mr. S. Goode, Mrs. Goode, and children; Mr. David Fowler and family; Mrs. E. W. Wright and two children; Miss Stuckey; Mr. Geo. Shaw, Mrs. Shaw, and Miss Shaw; Mr. and Mrs. Scarfe; and Mr. and Mrs. Sellar - Mr. is father of Major J. Z. Sellar, of Stepney, an old gentleman 72 years of age, who has just fallen into a valuable freehold property in Surrey, and goes home to take possession.

A complimentary dinner was given to Captain Bruce of the ship City of Adelaide by a few of his friends at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Angas-street, on Thursday afternoon. About 26 gentlemen sat down to a splendid dinner provided by Mr. Aldridge in his very best style. His Worship the Mayor of Adelaide occupied the chair, and was supported on his right by Captain Bruce and the Postmaster-General [James William Lewis], and on his left by Mr. J. T. Turnbull and Mr. A. Hay. Mr. T. English filled the vice-chair. After the cloth was removed the usual loyal toasts were proposed by the Chairman and duly honored. His Worship then proposed "The health of Captain Bruce." He referred in the most complimentary manner to the satisfaction which the Captain had always given to his passengers by his kind and gentlemanly attention to their comfort, and to shippers of goods by his care during the long period he had been engaged in the trade. He concluded by wishing long and continued prosperity to the captain and the fine vessel he commanded. The toast was drank with the most cordial heartiness, and Captain Bruce responded in appropriate and feeling-terms. He spoke of his long experience, and said that the comfort of his passengers had always been, and ever would be his constant study.

Mr. P. Cumming then proposed the health of Captain Brace's family, and referred to his being on old acquaintance of the captain, who was a fellow-townsman from the Fair City of Perth. Mr. C. Todd proposed the health of the chief officer of the city of Adelaide - Mr. J. Bruce, the captain's son - and the other officers of the ship. Mr. T. C. Bray proposed the health of the doctor of the vessel - Dr. Nason - and referred to the great satisfaction he had hitherto given by bis skill and ability. The healths of the passengers by the ship and of the owners were also given, and heartily responded to. Mr. English then proposed the health of the Chairman, remarking that he was always ready to assist by his presence at social gatherings, and to promote good will among his fellow-citizens. The healths of the ex-Mayor - Mr. S. Goode - and of the Vice-Chairman, were proposed, and the company broke up about 7 o'clock, after spending a most pleasant and agreeable after noon. We may mention that letters were read from Mr. Geo. Young, who was to have presided, and other gentlemen, apologising for their absence.



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